Contact History, Anthropology & Philosophy
706-864-1903 (Dahlonega)
Dahlonega Campus | Gainesville Campus | |
Name: | Tamara Spike, Department Head |
Alex Wisnoski, Associate Department Head |
E-Mail: | | |
Phone: | 706-864-1912 | 678-717-2272 |
Fax: | 706-864-1873 | 678-717-3937 |
Location: | Barnes Hall 319 | Strickland (Academic II) 215 |
History, Anthropology & Philosophy Faculty & Staff

Area(s) of Expertise: Historical Archaeology, Plantation Systems, Rice Culture, Enslaved Lifeways, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems

Area(s) of Expertise: Military History

Area(s) of Expertise: American history, Appalachian history

Area(s) of Expertise: Digital History, Long 20th Century United States History, History of Crime and Punishment, Sensational Trials, Social/Legal History, Gender Studies

Area(s) of Expertise: German history, Southeast Asia, modern Europe, holocaust/genocide, aviation history, world history

Area(s) of Expertise: Political and Social Philosophy, Ethics, Chinese Philosophy

Area(s) of Expertise: U.S. history , southern history, women's history, African-American history

Thomas Greene, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Professor, History
Assistant Director, Honors Dahlonega Campus
Office locationBarnes Hall, 305,
Area(s) of Expertise: Early medieval Europe, history of religion, sensory history, history of emotions, medievalism, world history

James Grindeland, Ph.D.Profile page
Lecturer, Philosophy
Office locationStudent Resource Center, 504,
Area(s) of Expertise: Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics

Phillip Guerty, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Professor, History
Office locationStrickland Academic, 120,

Area(s) of Expertise: Environmental history, U.S. history

Victoria Hightower, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Director, Nationally Competitive Scholarships
Professor of History
Office locationBarnes Hall, 301,
Area(s) of Expertise: Middle east history, Persian Gulf history, pearl trade, gender studies, environmental history, nationalism, heritage studies

Area(s) of Expertise: Recent U.S. History, American Political History, Sports History

Christopher Jespersen, Ph.D.Profile page
Director of Special Programs & Professor
Office locationBarnes Hall, 308,

Lesley Jones
Office location

Area(s) of Expertise: American South, Constitutional History, Political History , Georgia History, Nationalism

Ric Kabat, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Letters
Office locationNesbitt Academic Building, 4120,

Area(s) of Expertise: East Asia, History of Modern China, History of Modern Korea, the historical imagination in literature

Area(s) of Expertise: British Tudor and Stuart history (1500s and 1600s), gender history, history of love, sex, and marriage

Timothy May, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Letters
Professor of Central Eurasian History
Office locationBarnes Hall, 314,
Area(s) of Expertise: Mongol Empire, Mongolia, Central Eurasian history, Islamic history, the Crusades

Area(s) of Expertise: World and U.S. history

Robert McFarland
Part Time Faculty
Office location

Area(s) of Expertise: Modern Military History, British Imperial History

Terence Morea
Part Time Faculty
Office location

Area(s) of Expertise: New South social history, Appalachian history, WWII American home front, public history/museum studies

Area(s) of Expertise: Cultural Anthropology, specialization in Japanese culture

Clay Ouzts, Ph.D.Profile page
Professor, History
Office locationStrickland Academic, 149,
Student Resource Center, 594,
Area(s) of Expertise: American History, Environmental History, Environmental Studies

Area(s) of Expertise: 19th c. Britain & Empire, Slavery, Caribbean, Atlantic World

Area(s) of Expertise: citizenship as democratic participation, using social media to politically engage, torture, religious reformations, Tudor-Stuart British history

Area(s) of Expertise: Roman History, Ancient Greek History, Late Antiquity, Medieval Europe

Area(s) of Expertise: Archaeology, large-scale interaction, social differentiation, demography, regional analysis, network analysis, European pre-history, Hungarian Neolithic and Copper age, Greek Neolithic and Bronze age

Area(s) of Expertise: Religious studies, Protestant evangelicalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, American political history, Lost Cause mythology, public history

Area(s) of Expertise: 19th and 20th c. U.S. South, Race Relations, Women's History, Religion, Higher Education History

Area(s) of Expertise: Russian and Soviet History, Nations and Nationalism, Comparative Colonialism, 20th Century Political Ideologies

Area(s) of Expertise: Phenomenology, environmental ethics, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, Buddhist Philosophy

Area(s) of Expertise: Anthropology; World History; Museum Studies; Social History and Culture of the Late Ottoman Empire; History and Cultures of the Balkans and Anatolia; Sephardic Jewish Culture and Music; Historic Preservation

Tamara Spike, Ph.D.Profile page
Department Head of History, Anthropology & Philosophy
Office locationBarnes Hall, 319,
Area(s) of Expertise: Latin America, Ethnohistory

Area(s) of Expertise: World History

Area(s) of Expertise: U.S. history, southern history, Civil War era, transnational history, nationalism

Alexander Wisnoski, III, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Department Head
Office locationStrickland Academic, 215,
Area(s) of Expertise: Latin American History, Early Modern World

George Wrisley, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Office locationStrickland Academic, 205,
Area(s) of Expertise: Philosophy, Metaphysics (the relationship between language and ontology in particular), Philosophy of Language, Ethics, Wittgenstein, Buddhism, Nietzsche

Area(s) of Expertise: History of American South, Southern history, Antebellum American History, Civil War history