
Employee Training & Staff Development - Course Descriptions

Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors

This class is designed to introduce the manager/supervisor to the coaching concept. We will explore the difference between coaching and counseling as well as examine in detail the 8-Steps of the Coaching Process. Find out how to better equip and motivate your employees to excel in their work responsibilities.


Embracing Change in the Workplace

No one likes change – however, change is the one constant in the world in which we live and work.  This class is designed to provide the student with a better understanding of the process of change and provide some of the skills necessary to better manage the change process individually and within an organization.  We will look at how change can be viewed as an opportunity and not as a challenge.

Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Everyone deserves to have a work environment free of objectionable and disrespectful  conduct.  This class will examine the various forms of harassment encountered in the workplace as well as the actions one should take whenever this type of behavior is experienced either first hand or as an observer.


Positive Management of Employee Discipline

The basic intent of employee discipline should be correction and retention. The purpose of this class is to introduce the manager/supervisor to the steps involved in a Progressive Disciplinary Process and to provide the techniques to enhance an employee’s performance and overall development.

Purpose & Impact of Effective Performance Appraisals

One of the most “misused” tools in a manager’s toolkit is the Performance Appraisal. The goal of this class is to help managers/supervisors recognize good performance and manage under-performance. We take an in-depth look at the basis for the evaluation and the evaluation process to include preparing for and conducting of the appraisal discussion.


Effective Communication in the workplace

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Just how good of a communicator are you? This class will look at the various components of communication, the communication process, the differences between listening and hearing, and when to use the different means of communication.


Conflict Resolution Training for Supervisors

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Wherever there are people, there will always be conflict. This training focuses on ways supervisors can work with their employees to resolve conflict in the workplace. We will look at causes of workplace conflict, how to facilitate resolution of conflict, and how to manage work relationships once the conflict has been resolved.


Delivering Exceptional Customer Service

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Do you work at 91ÁÔÆæ? Then you are in the business of providing customer service. In this training session you will gain a better understanding of who your customers are, why it is important to provide exceptional customer service, and how to effectively communicate with your customers.


Understanding Workplace Diversity

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Today’s world and thus the workplace is becoming increasingly diverse. This class will examine the common myths and misconceptions about diversity, the various dimensions of diversity, how to effectively manage diversity, and how your organization can cultivate a diverse workforce.


Effective Use of Time

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While everyone is given an equal amount of time, it is a unique resource that requires training or re-training to use it effectively. In this training session we will examine the ways in which we all waste time, discuss some approaches to better manage our time, and take a look at two of the biggest waste of time in the workplace – unproductive and unnecessary meetings and e-mail overload.


Roles and Responsibilities of an Effective Manager

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Do you understand what changes have to take place when you move from being an employee to being a supervisor/manager? This class will examine how to overcome the early problems of being a supervisor, take a look at the different management styles, and how to motivate your direct reports.


Optimizing Performance Management - For Supervisors

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Looking for ways to positively impact the performance of your direct reports? This training session will take an in-depth look at the various components of “performance management” – position descriptions, performance evaluations, professional development plans, progressive discipline, and awards.

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