
Lexi Whitney Video Transcript

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[Interviewer] Welcome to the University of North Georgia Political Science & International Affairs department's YouTube channel, where we present interviews of our students, past, present and future, to highlight their accomplishments and insights. In the coming minutes you'll get to meet political science major Alexis Whitney. Good morning Lexi. May I call you Lexi?

[Lexi Whitney] Yes. Thank you for having me.

[Interviewer] To start off, please, tell us a little about yourself. Who is Lexi Whitney?

[Lexi] So I'm from Charlotte, North Carolina. I went to Ardrey Kell High School in Charlotte, and I've been at 91ÁÔÆæ for four years now. Senior. Studying political science with a Spanish minor. So...that's me.

[Interviewer] What got you into the world of politics? And what I mean is – Why did you choose to seek a political science degree? And perhaps more importantly, why here at 91ÁÔÆæ?

[Lexi] So, I graduated in 2016 and that was an election year, and I was pretty invested and just interested in how it all works, so that got me interested in politics. And from there I came to 91ÁÔÆæ pretty sure I wanted to do political science but not totally sure. But when I was in the classroom my professors were super involved and interested in me and how I was doing. And yeah -- that sealed the deal, basically.

[Interviewer] What brought you to 91ÁÔÆæ from Charlotte?

[Lexi] Academically it was a good fit but also athletically it was a good fit because I was playing golf and looking to play collegiate golf, so.

[Interviewer] Well, we'll get back to the golf side of your life. As part of your Spanish minor you are required to complete a study abroad program correct?

[Lexi] Yes.

[Interviewer] Can you tell us a little bit about your experiences this past summer?

[Lexi] Yes. So, this past summer I went to Spain. We studied for two weeks in Cuenca, which is just
south of Madrid. And then we did a week at El Camino de Santiago, which is in Galicia. And then we finished up with another two weeks in Galicia and A Coruña.

[Interviewer] Why Spain in particular?

[Lexi] The program was really a good fit for me. I needed to take nine credit hours to complete my minor, and they were offering nine credit hours and they were also offering courses I was interested in. They had Spanish Conversation and Spanish literature which I was also very interested in. So...ya.

[Interviewer] I understand also that you spent some time this past academic year in Washington DC.

[Lexi] Ya.

[Interviewer] Why was that?

[Lexi] So, I was chosen as the 91ÁÔÆæ's Political Science department, a kind of a delegate, to be a fellow for the CSPC, which is the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress in DC, which is a, an organization that conducts a lot of research just about the executive-legislative processes. And I did a full conference and we went and there are a bunch of panelists and speakers. We got to learn a lot. And then in the Spring we presented our own research that we had conducted throughout the year. So...it was really cool.

[Interviewer] When President Jacobs announced you had been awarded, or selected as the PSIA, actually as the 91ÁÔÆæ Fellow.

[Lexi] Ya.

[Interviewer] for the program. What did that mean to you? And what did the program mean to you in hindsight?

[Lexi] I was really excited. I didn't exactly know what to expect. But I was really honored to be chosen, selected. Especially because a lot of the Fellows are usually seniors or grad students and I was only a junior, so kind of gave me a little bit of a head start when it came to getting into the field that I'm
interested in.

[Interviewer] Let's switch out of the classroom, to another very important part of Lexi's life as a Nighthawk. What do you do when you aren't studying? Because obviously you do a fair amount of
studying to be awarded a fellowship such as you were.

[Lexi] So I am also a member of the women's golf team.

[Interviewer] Well I presume that keeps you rather busy.

[Lexi] Yes.

[Interviewer] between the two, but...As a golfer you won a very prestigious honor this past summer. Is that correct?

[Lexi] Ya. This summer I was chosen by the WCGA, which is the Women's Coach's Golf Association. And it was, I was selected to be an All-American scholar. So it was pretty cool.

[Interviewer] How special is that designation?

[Lexi] Pretty special. I was honored. It's awarded to about a thousand people every year. So.

[Interviewer] Wow.

[Lexi] Ya.

[Interviewer] Well I understand you also won another academic honor following last year's academic year, your sophomore year. And that was courtesy of your

[Lexi] Yes. I was chosen

[Interviewer] to be on the Peachbelt Conferences's All-Academic team. Congratulations Lexi on both awards.

[Lexi] Thank you.

[Interviewer] Obviously you are successful as both a 91ÁÔÆæ golfer and as a poli-sci major. How do you balance your academic workload with your competition schedule?

[Lexi] Primarily time management is a very important part of my life. It's also very helpful to have 91ÁÔÆæ's online program. I take about half of my classes in person and the other half online. So this upcoming weekend for example, I'll be in Dallas from Saturday until Tuesday, but I'm only going to be missing two classes in person, so I really won't be that far behind.

[Interviewer] In closing Lexi, what do you have to say to our viewers who either prospective students or perhaps even former students?

[Lexi] To prospective students -- one, if you're looking at colleges I recommend you look at 91ÁÔÆæ. It's a great school. It's a really good size. so your professors know who you are, they care about you. The programs, especially the political science department. My advisor always is willing to meet with me and talk to me. She knows me by name. She knows my program, my needs, what I want to do. And just in general, just make the most of your college experience because mine's coming to a close and I'm kind of sad. And former students -- Please teach me how to be a real world adult, because that is coming up fast. So. Ya.

[Interviewer] I'm sure you'll do fine. Someone with the successes you have had is not going to have a major problem I'm sure.

[Lexi] Thank you.

[Interviewer] Thank you for your time Lexi.

[Lexi] Thank you so much for having me.

[Interviewer] And all the best as you continue to experience more, in both your classroom activities and on the links, as a Nighthawk.

[Lexi] Thank you.

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