
3.11.1 Reporting Grades

The Board of Regents has adopted the following grading system for all institutions in the university system (see the BOR Academic Affairs Handbook):

All institutions of the University System of Georgia shall be on a 4.0 grade point average system. The following grades are approved for use in institutions in the determination of the Grade Point Average:

A Excellent (4.0)
B Good (3.0)
C Satisfactory (2.0)
D Passing (1.0)
F Failure (0.0)
WF Withdrew Failing (0.0)

Incomplete grades (I) - This grade indicates that a student was doing satisfactory work but, for non-academic reasons beyond her/his control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. For undergraduate programs, if an “I” is not satisfactorily removed after one semester (excluding summer), the symbol of “I” will be changed to the grade of “F” by the appropriate official. For graduate programs, if an “I” is not satisfactorily removed after two semester (excluding summer), the symbol of “I” will be changed to the grade of “F” by the appropriate official. Under special circumstances, this period of time can be increased with the approval of the department head and the dean.

To assign a grade of “I” for a student, a Grade Assignment of Incomplete form must be completed and approved the by the department head and dean of the college. This form, once approved, will be forwarded to the Registrar’s office for processing. Any “I” grade may remain on the student’s record until the end of the following term. At that time, the grade will be changed to an “F” grade. However, the instructor may file an extension for the “I” grade with the dean, if needed. Once the requirements of the course have been met, the instructor should submit a completed Request for Grade Change form to the department head and dean. This form will be forwarded to the Registrar’s office for processing.

In Progress (IP) - This grade is appropriate for thesis hours, project courses, and Learning Support courses. These courses require a continuation of work beyond the semester for which the student signed up for the course. It is not appropriate for traditional credit courses. If an “IP” grade isn't satisfactorily removed after 3 semesters, the appropriate official will change the symbol of “IP” to the grade of “F”. Under special circumstances, this period of time can be increased with the approval of the dean. However, students who receive a grade of “IP” in a learning support or an ESL course will retain this grade due to the nature of the course.

K - This symbol indicates that a student was given credit for the course via a credit by examination program approved by the respective institution's faculty (CLEP, AP, Proficiency, etc.). K credit may be provided for a course the student has previously audited if the institutional procedures for credit by examination are followed.

CR – Credit (for Military experience)

NR - This symbol indicates that the grade was not reported by the instructor.

S- This grade symbol indicates that credit has been given for completion of degree requirements other than academic course work. The use of this symbol is approved for dissertation and thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, internship, and proficiency requirements in graduate programs. Exceptions to the use of this symbol for academic course work must be submitted to the chancellor for approval.

U- This grade symbol indicates unsatisfactory performance in an attempt to complete degree requirements other than academic course work. The use of this symbol is approved for dissertation and thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, internship, and proficiency requirements in graduate programs. Exceptions to the use of this symbol for academic course work must be submitted to the chancellor for approval.

V - This symbol indicates that a student was given permission to audit the course. Students may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. If an audit student withdraws from a course prior to the end of the term, a W will be assigned as the grade rather than a grade of V. An audit student who is dropped by the instructor for excessive absences will be assigned a grade of W.

W - This symbol indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw without penalty.  Students may withdraw from courses prior to the midterm and receive a grade of W. However, instructors have the ability to change a grade of W to WF if the student is failing the course at the time of withdrawal. According to policy, the instructor must include the right to retain this ability in the course syllabus. Withdrawals without penalty will not be permitted after the midpoint of the total grading period except in cases of hardship as determined by the Vice Provost of Academic Affairs or his/her designee.

Consistent with the approved 91ÁÔÆæ syllabus template, faculty are required to list their grading scale in the course syllabus.

Approved, July 2013

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