
3.10.1 Final Exams

It is expected that all faculty will require a final examination, final project, or final assessment for each class they teach. Non-traditional classes (internships, clinicals, etc.) that would not necessarily hold final examinations may be exempt from this requirement.

The date and time for a final examination/project/assessment is a scheduled part of the class. When a student registers for a class, he or she is registering for the scheduled final examination period as well. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the student to be available for the final examination/assessment or for presentation (or submission) of the final project at the time scheduled. Take-home examinations/ projects/assessments requiring more than two hours to complete should be provided to students prior to the last day of class.

In the case of fully on-line courses, it is up to the faculty member teaching the course as to whether to give a proctored exam, use an on-line exam, or require a final project. In the case of online courses, students who live too far from campus to travel to campus for a proctored final exam, the student/instructor is required to arrange a proctored final exam through a testing center at a local (to the student) college or university and have the center forward the completed exam to the instructor for grading. Faculty members are encouraged to set deadlines for students to confirm testing center locations/appointments. The student will be required to pay any fees associated with the use of a testing facility. For those traveling to a 91ÁÔÆæ campus, the instructor should work with academic departments to identify open classrooms to use during the evening class hours or the overflow period on the final exam schedule for use in administering the final exam.

Only in the case of unusual extenuating circumstances should consideration be given for allowing a student or a class to change the final examination schedule. When extenuating circumstances occur, the following procedure is to be followed:

  1. A request for a change in the examination schedule for an entire class is to be submitted in writing by the instructor. The request is to include a justification for the change. Such a change requires written approval of the department head and the dean of the college. The entire class of students should sign a statement agreeing to the time change. A request for a change in the examination schedule for an individual student is to be submitted in writing by the student. The request is to include a justification for the change. Such a change requires written approval of the instructor and the department head (or campus designee).

  2. No student is required to take three final examinations on the same day. Such a situation is sufficient reason for the student to be granted permission to take one such examination at an alternate time. Students should contact their instructor to obtain permission at least one week prior to the first day of exams. If needed, students should contact the department head(s) to obtain permission and to determine the most appropriate examination to reschedule.

Approved 10-APR-2013

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