
Finding Articles in GALILEO

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In this video, I will show you two different ways of searching for articles on a topic in a Galileo interface.

One by initiating your search in the Discover search box, and the other by using the Browse by Subject tab.

We'll look at the Discover search box first. [Discover search box highlighted]

Let's say your research is on the effects of video games on the brain.

Unlike Google, you will want to enter the key concepts rather than a phrase. The main concepts for our example are "video games" and "brain."

As you can see with our search results, we have over 40,000 hits. The reason why we have so many hits is, the Discovery Search searches numerous resources in one search, so we are also getting articles that might cross over into other subjects.

Let's narrow down our results by using the facets on the left of the page. So in this example, I only want full text articles that were published in the last four years. Let's also add another filter so the results are more specific to the topic of "effects of video games on the brain." I will select "decision making" and as you can see, we have gone from 100,000 hits to just under 200.

So if we want to look at the full text for this article, you can either click on the full-text icon listed in the results, or go into the article's record where you will find more features available and view the full text there.

Another path you can take to get an article is using the Browse by Subject tab. This is a feature of Galileo interface that allows you to select databases and journals specific to your topic. The difference between using Browse by Subject versus the Discover Search is the Discover Search is best for multidisciplinary topics and Browse by Subject is best for a topic on a particular subject.

The Discover Search is searching content indexed from various databases. But with the Browse by Subject you are finding one database most relevant to your topic and performing a search from the database's native interface.

For our example, we will use the same topic of "brain and video games." Click on social sciences, the psychology. You will come to a list of databases most relevant to the subject, psychology.

An advantage of going to individual databases over the Discover Search is, individual databases can give you more focused results, where Discover will give you more general results, although there will be a lot of overlap.

As you can see, we use the same search as we did using the Discover Search, but we had considerably less hits with our initial search. That is because the results only for articles on the subject of psychology.

I hope this video was helpful to you and if you have any questions for us, please contact us using the "contact us" form on the Galileo home page.

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