
Equivalent Fractions

Say I wanted to write two-thirds (2/3) as an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 24. Equivalent fractions are fractions that represent the same quantity. We must first ask ourselves, "What do I need to multiply 3 by in order to get 24?" The answer is 8. So, if I multiply the denominator by 8, I also have to multiply the numerator by 8. This does not change the quantity of the fraction considering you are essentially multiplying by 1. So in multiplying fractions, we simply multiply across the top, which is the numerator. So 2 times 8 equals 16. Then multiply across the bottom, which is the denominator. So, 3 times 8 is 24. An equivalent fraction of two-thirds (2/3) is sixteen twenty-fourths (16/24).

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