
Payment Methods: Accounts Payable

Acceptable Methods of Payment/Reimbursement

If you have any questions, please contact Accounts Payable at 706-864-1403.

Transaction Type



Check Request

Payment to Independent Contractors for Professional Services
(Check Requests must be justified)
X*  - X
Payment for Agreements between USG Institutions X*  - X
Refunds of Continuing Education Course Registration Fees X
Payment for Work Authorization Visas  - X
Payment of Institutional Memberships/Dues
(Membership must be in the name of the University and transferable)
Professional Services, Maintenance/Repair Services, etc.
(Prior approval is required for P-Card use.)
X - X
Purchases or contracts for Equipment, Service or Supplies purchased through Statewide or Agency Contract (must be <$3,000 for P-Card use) X - -
Purchases or contracts for Equipment, Service or Supplies which are not on Statewide or Agency Contract (must be <$3,000 for P-Card use) X* - -
Equipment, Services or Supplies which have already been received (must include signed justification) - - X

Table Key

X - Indicates this is a preferred method of payment/reimbursement.
X* - Indicates this is preferred method of payment when multiple methods are allowed.

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