
Ceremony and Ticket Information

Spring Commencement Ceremonies

Wednesday, May 14

10 a.m. - Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

  • College of Arts & Letters
  • University College

3 p.m. - Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

  • Mike Cottrell College of Business
  • College of Science & Mathematics
  • Lewis F. Rogers Institute for Environmental & Spatial Analysis (IESA)

Thursday, May 15

10 a.m. - Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

  • College of Education
  • College of Health Sciences & Professions

7 p.m. - Graduate Commencement Ceremony

Commencement Instructions for Graduates

  • Report to the Check-In table located on the arena floor level of the one hour prior to the scheduled time for your commencement ceremony. Enter at the second level doors across the street from the Alumni House. There will be directional signage posted on the day of the event.
  • Upon check-in, you will receive your reader card. You must fill this card out and keep it with you throughout the ceremony. It will be used to announce your name as you cross the stage.
  • A professional photographer will be off the stage to the right of the President. You should plan to pause for a photograph.
  • Be sure that cell phones are turned off or silenced during the ceremony.
  • All fees, fines, and other debts to the university must be paid three working days prior to commencement or your diploma will be withheld and your transcripts will not be mailed.
  • You will be seated by degree. If you claim your tickets late or arrive late for check-in, you will be placed in the back of the seating area.
  • If you require accommodations, find information on the accessibility and special accommodation page.

Ticket Information

University Events uses Tassel as the official commencement communication method. The Spring 2025 Tassel Commencement Reservation portal will open by March 14 and will close on April 14.

  1. Students will receive an email in their university inbox when the portal is ready to accept reservations.
  2. Once they receive the invitation email, graduates must create an account using their student email in to RSVP their attendance, to receive guest tickets, and to ensure the correct pronunciation of their name.
  3. Tickets will be distributed electronically through the Tassel app and can be presented as a printed document OR on a mobile device.

Note: You must claim your tickets between March 10 and April 14. Students who do not RSVP their intent may not receive guest tickets. If you need to request additional tickets, you may do so on Tassel.