
7.1 Uploading Documents

Document Specifications

  • Unless otherwise noted, all .doc and .docx files should be converted to .pdf format before uploading.
  • Only use approved logos or other 91ÁÔÆæ branding visuals in documents.
  • Maximum file size for documents is 20 MB.
  • All uploaded documents must contain an accessibility statement. Sample statement: If you need this document in another format, please email Jeremy Smith or call 777-777-777. (Provide the name, email address, and phone number of a person in your department that will be addressing accessible document issues, do not use the ADA Coordinator's contact information in your accessibility statement.) 

File Naming

  • Short file names, all lower case, hyphens between words (e.g., illustration-curriculum.pdf).
  • No spaces, periods, underscores, or special characters—only the file extension, such as .pdf or .jpg, should have a period.
  • Files with special characters in their name will NOT upload to Cascade.

Tip for Updating Documents

  • Do NOT simply upload and relink the new document -- this doesn't take into account any others who may be linked to the document.
  • REPLACE the existing document with the new version -- this way anyone linked to the document will have an updated version when their pages republish.

The Website is not an Archive

The webserver that houses ung.edu should not be used as an archive for files. Remove outdated files when they have outlived their timespan. If you need a copy for future reference, save it on a shared file location [U: for example]. 

Upload a Document or Create a Webpage?

While creating a web page may take more time up front, it is actually easier to maintain in the long run than uploading a file. So, if you have information that needs to be accessible for some time, we recommend creating a page - you will be happy you did when all those little nit-picky edits come around.

When Is It OK to Upload a Document?

  • Printing: If you have a form, flyer or other document that you want your users to print, convert it to a PDF first.
    Need help converting a file to a PDF? Contact the IT helpdesk.
  • Special Data: If you have a file that has special data, macros, or must be opened in a specific program (such as an Excel spreadsheet), you can upload that file. If you do this, you should note the name of the software that is required after the file name, for example [Excel file].
  • Handbooks and Manuals: Certain documents are designed as guides, handbooks or manuals, in which the pages should be viewed together. If you have such a multi-page document, PDF is often the best delivery method.

Reasons not to Upload a Document

In general, avoid posting files that require special software to view. This includes Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and even Adobe PDFs – although Acrobat Reader is a free program that can view PDF files. Not everyone has the needed software on their computers or mobile devices.

Word documents and PDFs also tend to also take longer to download than web pages take to display. This is especially true on mobile devices.

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