
4.1.4 Administrative Department & Other Home Page Templates

Based on research and user input, 91ÁÔÆæ is now implementing more standardized home pages across our units. For administrative units and other units not addressed in other templates, the basic required information for a home page is an impact image, a brief unit description and clear calls to action.
admin dept home page template

Large Impact Image or Random Image from Set

Choose an image that shows the activity of the department. Use people from the department - no clip art. A photo shoot for the department can also be considered. You can also choose to have an image from a pre-selected group randomly inserted here each time the page is published.

Department/Unit Description

A brief paragraph of conversational and audience focused text that speaks to ‘You’. What does your department offer to students, faculty, staff and possibly, the community-at-large. Avoid institutional slang and acronyms, speak common English. Seed your paragraph with those words you think people will search with to find your department page. Approximate size: 800 characters

Clear Calls to Action

What do you want prospective students to do once they are on the home page? Give site visitors a clear path to the actions you want them to complete and/or the key information you want them to find.

Establishing Connection...