

Pull Quotes

Pull quotes pull text from the surrounding content to re-emphasize an important message or to capture interest.

Pull quotes pull text from the surrounding content to emphasize an important message. Sometimes they are aligned to the left or right of text to create a visual "shape" that helps break up longer text. Care must be taken that the nonvisual readers do not become confused when they encounter a pull quote, so they should be used sparingly.

These pull quotes use 35% of the content area. You can assign the style to a paragraph tag by highlighting the text and applying the style. Do not add quote marks. These are added automatically as part of the style.

  • pullquote-right-35-border: Right-aligned. 35% of content area width.
  • pullquote-left-35-border: Left-aligned. 35% of content area width.


Callouts have a larger text size to draw the readers eye to something important.

callout-67-border: This callout is using a medium blue text and is 67% the width of the content area.

callout-85-border: Same as the callout-67-border, just 85% width of the content area.

callout-67-border-dk-blue: Uses a dark blue text and is 67% the width of the content area.

callout-85-border-dk-blue: Same as the callout-67-border-dk-blue, just 85% width of the content area.

Quote Box

Text enclosed in a blockquote is an extended quotation, usually from another source.

quote-67-border:  Quote boxes are a great way to bring attention to text or words from an external source. Perhaps you have a personal testimony from a parent or past student, or a quote from an authority on a particular subject. Quotes should stay within the flow of the document. This particular quote style is 67% the width of the content area, text is left-aligned, and the entire quote box is centered. To use, highlight your text and apply the style.

quote-85-border:  Same as the quote-67-border style, just 85% width of the content area