
6.4 Embed - iFrame

The "Embed-iFrame" block allows a webpage from another site to be completely embedded in a page. Please note that any embedded code submitted to be added to our website is subject to the review of both the University Relations webteam and IT. 

If you have questions about embedding content on your website,

Before You Submit Your "Request a Web Edit" Ticket

  • If you are trying to embed a map or an interactive graphic or multimedia file, please verify that it is accesible.
  • If you are unable to verify that the content being embedded via an iFrame is fully accessible, then please create a text version of all the information conveyed in the embedded content.
  • Any videos must have a transcript and be closed captioned before they can be added to the site.

What You Need in Your Ticket

  • If you have verified the content is accessible, please submit the verification you have received.
  • If the content is not accessible, please include a text version that conveys all of the same information available in the embedded content. This can be in a Word document, and the webteam will design the layout based on the text version and the embedded content.
  • The iFrame embed code.
  • The page URL you would like the content embedded on.


A 'live' web page that is using an iframe block. The block of content is outlined and has an arrow pointing to it, clicking will take you to the commencement web page

Styles & Usage

There are currently no style options for the embed-iframe block. However, the map on this page is being displayed on this page using an iframe.

The diagrams below will help you determine where this block can be used. The "Y" inside the box, green yes square, means this block can go in to this column or space. The ''N' inside the box, red no square means this block can't go in this column or space.

Administrator Only Block

Naming Convention

  • Name of block should always begin with emb-iframe-

Please be sure to double check your naming structure to ensure there are no spaces in between any words or dashes. Any space in the name will disrupt the functionality of your block.

Correct: emb-iframe-form-fall-signup

Incorrect: emb- iframe form-fall-signup

Character Limits

  • N/A

What can I add to this block?

  • Links? No
  • Other Blocks? No
  • Columns? No
  • Sections? No


Height and Width are required fields. They are used to create the correct aspect ratio, the iframe is set to display at 100%.

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