
Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is when someone is treated unequally or disadvantageously based on their gender but not necessarily in a sexual nature. This includes harassment and discrimination based on sex, gender identity, or gender expression.

The Title IX Office is committed to fostering an environment in which all members of our campus community are safe from gender discrimination. The Title IX Office encourages anyone that has experienced or witnessed gender-based discrimination or harassment to report as soon as possible and to seek support from our office.

Examples of gender discrimination include but are not limited to:

  • Disfavoring someone based on gender
  • Using crude and harmful language based on their gender or gender expression
  • Being insulted, called derogatory names or slurs because of your gender identity, or hearing hostile remarks about people of a certain gender identity
  • Intimidating someone based on their gender
  • Being held to different or higher standards, or being evaluated more harshly, because of your gender identity, or because you don’t act or present yourself in a way that conforms to traditional ideas of femininity or masculinity
  • Being intentionally or repeatedly called by a name or referred to as a different gender that you don’t identify with – such as when a transgender man is called by his dead name, or referred to as “Miss”

File a Report

You can file a report via the  or contacting the Title IX Office at TitleIX@ung.edu or 706-867-4560. 

Upon receipt, we will respond by reaching out to the Complainant (victim) offering to meet and discuss options for moving forward. Supportive measurers are available without an investigation and without notifying the other party.

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