
Testing Referral Form for Testing with Accommodations

The Online Testing Referral form was developed to allow faculty to send tests and instructions quickly and conveniently.

Contact Student Accessibility Services for more information about student accommodations.

Contact the Testing Centers for more information about test submission timelines.

Understanding the Testing Referral Form

  • Regular Time Allotted for This Exam: the maximum amount of time that the class as a whole (without accommodations) will be allowed
  • Materials/Aids Allowed or Needed: for example, a calculator, textbook, bluebook, Scantron, and/or scratch paper, etc.
  • Special Instructions: Please supply password if required and any additional information that the test proctor needs to know.
  • Test to be Administered No Earlier Than: Enter the earliest date/time that you would allow the SAS student to take this exam.
  • Test to be Completed No Later Than: Enter the latest date/time that you have approved for completing this exam.
  • After Test is Completed: Select whether you would like to have the test:
    1. held for you to pick up in SAS (Tests that are held for pick up are kept in a locked cabinet until you or a designee pick it up.),
    2. returned by campus mail - enter your campus/building (Please consider delivery schedules before choosing campus mail, particularly for return of midterms/finals.), or
    3. online exam; no return needed
  • Attach the Test File: Attach the exam, formula sheet, etc., to make it immediately available to testing personnel.

Testing Referral forms must be submitted in advance.

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