
Michael Lanford, Ph.D.

Michael Lanford

Assistant Professor


Office locationDunlap-Mathis, 127,

Area(s) of Expertise: Ethnography, Globalization, Higher Education, Institutional Innovation, Life History, Relational Sociology, Research Methods, Social and Cultural Theory, Writing


Michael Lanford is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at the University of North Georgia. Dr. Lanford’s research explores the social dimensions of education, with a specific focus on educational equity, globalization, institutional innovation, organizational culture, and the workforce of the twenty-first century. His first book, entitled Creating a Culture of Mindful Innovation in Higher Education, was recently published by SUNY Press.

Courses Taught

  • EDD 7001 Dissertation Development I
  • EDD 7002 Dissertation Development II
  • EDD 7003 Dissertation Development III
  • EDD 7100 Research Inquiry
  • EDD 7101 Qualitative Research Methods
  • EDD 7104 Organizational Theory in Higher Education
  • EDD 7108 Globalization and Higher Education
  • EDD 7207 Promoting Inclusive Environments for Students in Higher Education
  • EDD 7208 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
  • EDD 8000/1 Research Development Seminar
  • EDUC 7854 Comparative Perspectives in Education as a Human Right


  • Ph.D., Urban Education Policy, University of Southern California, 2017
  • M.Ed., Higher Education, University of Hong Kong, 2011
  • M.Mus., Music Literature, University of Georgia, 2005
  • B.A., Music, Colgate University, 1999



Lanford, M., & Tierney, W. G. (2022). Creating a culture of mindful innovation in higher education.
State University of New York Press.

Edited Book and Journal Issues

Adams, K., Lanford, M., & Mayernick, J. (2023). (Eds.). The University of North Georgia: 150 years of leadership and vision. University of North Georgia Press.

Lanford, M. (Ed.). (2021). Critical perspectives on global partnerships in higher education: Strategies for inclusion, social impact, and effectiveness [Special issue]. .

Lanford, M. (Ed.). (2019). The art of life history: Novel approaches, future directions [Special issue]. Qualitative Inquiry, 25(5).

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Danis, G., & Lanford, M. (2023). Choose or be rendered invisible? Reimagining the multiracial student experience through the theory of racialized organizations. In P. A. Sasso, D. Dos, & M. D. Mour (Eds.), Blurring boundaries and binaries: Belonging, gender, and mixed heritages in higher education in the United States. Information Age Publishing.

Lanford, M. (2023). Public scholarship for societal engagement: Envisioning the future of research at regional universities. In K. Adams, M. Lanford, & J. Mayernick (Eds.), The University of North Georgia: 150 years of leadership and vision (pp. 187-205). University of North Georgia Press.

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2022). Globalization in the United States: The case of California. In M. Priyam (Ed.),

Adams, K. A., & Lanford, M. (2021). Reimagining global partnerships in higher education through open systems theory.

Lanford, M. (2021). Critical perspectives on global partnerships in higher education: Strategies for inclusion, social impact, and effectiveness.

Lanford, M. (2021). In pursuit of respect: The adult learner attending community college in the “new economy.”

Lanford, M. (2021). Institutional competition through performance funding: A catalyst or hindrance to teaching and learning?

Lanford, M. (2020). Long term sustainability in global higher education partnerships. In A. Al-Youbi, A. Zahed, & W. G. Tierney (Eds.),

Lanford, M. (2020). What can relational sociology reveal about college writing and remediation? In W. G. Tierney & S. Kolluri (Eds.), Relational sociology and research on schools, colleges, and universities (pp. 157-180). State University of New York Press.

Lanford, M. (2019). John Henry Newman: The idea of a university. In J. Gossling, G. Fenwick, & G. Moore (Eds.), The literary encyclopedia: English writing and culture of the Victorian period, 1837-1901.

Lanford, M. (2019). Making sense of “outsiderness”: How life history informs the college experiences of “non-traditional” students.

Lanford, M., Corwin, Z. B., Maruco, T., & Ochsner, A. (2019). Institutional barriers to innovation: Lessons from a digital intervention to improve college access for low-income students.

Lanford, M., & Maruco, T. (2019). Six conditions for successful career academies.

Lanford, M., Tierney, W. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2019). The art of life history: Novel approaches, future directions.

Lincoln, Y. S., & Lanford, M. (2019). Life history’s second life.  

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2019). Life history methods [Flagship article]. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J. W. Sakshaug, & R. A. Williams (Eds.), .

Lanford, M., & Maruco, T. (2018). When job training is not enough: The cultivation of social capital in career academies.

Lanford, M., & Tierney, W. G. (2018). Re-envisioning graduate and early career socialization to encourage public scholarship. In A. Kezar, Y. Drivalas, & J. A. Kitchen (Eds.), Envisioning public scholarship for our time: Models for higher education researchers (pp. 163-178). Stylus.

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2018). Institutional culture in higher education. In J. C. Shin & P. N. Teixeira (Eds.), .

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2018). Research in higher education: Cultural perspectives. In J. C. Shin & P. N. Teixeira (Eds.),

Lanford, M. (2017). The political history of the Georgia HOPE scholarship program: A critical analysis.

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2017). Between massification and globalization: Is there a role for global university rankings? In E. Hazelkorn (Ed.), Global rankings and the geopolitics of higher education (pp. 295-308). Routledge.

Lanford, M. (2016). Perceptions of higher education reform in Hong Kong: A glocalization perspective.

Lanford, M., & Tierney, W. G. (2016). The international branch campus: Cloistered community or agent of social change? In D. Neubauer, J. Hawkins, M. Lee, & C. Collins (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of Asia Pacific higher education (pp. 157-172).

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2016). Conceptualizing innovation in higher education. Higher Education:

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2016). Creativity and innovation in the twenty-first century university. In J. M. Case & J. Huisman (Eds.), Researching higher education: International perspectives on theory, policy, and practice (pp. 61-79). Society for Research into Higher Education. Routledge.

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2015). An investigation of the impact of international branch campuses on organizational culture.

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2014). The question of academic freedom: Universal right or relative term?

Lanford, M. (2011). A reevaluation of isorhythm in the “Old Corpus” of the Montpellier Codex.  

Lanford, M. (2011). Ravel and “The Raven”: The realization of an inherited aesthetic in Boléro.

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