
Meet John - 91ÁÔÆæ Course Withdrawal Process Scenario Video Transcript

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Meet John. Like you, he’s a 91ÁÔÆæ student.

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And like many, John is struggling with a full plate. (

  • Full Courseload
  • A busy work schedule
  • Responsibilities to family and friends

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He feels that his only option is to withdraw from all of his classes.

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John meets with the Dean of Students Office to create a plan to remain enrolled in one or two courses. This way, he will continue progressing toward his degree.

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Academic Success

John meets with an Academic Success Coach to work on his time management skills.

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Financial Support

John also meets with the Student Money Management Center for help with budgeting. He’s now able to drop some work hours.

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Stay on track

John talks with his Academic Advisor. He registers for next semester and re-takes the courses he withdrew from to stay on track.

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Like John, you have goals…

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And 91ÁÔÆæ is here to help you achieve them.

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