Ruth Maher, PT, Ph.D., DPT, WCS

Department Head
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Dr. Maher is a professor of physical therapy and has been in academia since 2002. Prior to joining the University of North Georgia, she served as program chair and professor at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Maher has practiced in various areas, including acute care, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation settings, and private practice.
Dr. Maher is a board-certified clinical specialist in women’s health from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties and a Board-Certified Fellow of the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance, specializing in pelvic muscle dysfunction biofeedback. Her teaching interests include lumbopelvic health, orthopedics, chronic pain, ultrasound imaging, and evidence-based practice.
Her published research centers on the assessment and validation of novel wearable neuromuscular stimulation devices in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction and the use of ultrasound imaging in physical therapy research and practice.
Dr. Maher serves on the board of directions for the Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy (FCCPT). She has held positions with the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) Women’s Health Council and several committees within the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, most recently serving on the Examination Development Committee (EDC) for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) and Dry Needling competency task force. Before her life in academia, she owned and ran private practices in Dublin, Ireland, and the USA specializing in women’s health and chronic pain conditions.
She is also a consultant to a biomedical company where she assists with the development and testing of novel wearable technologies using electrical stimulation. She holds two patents for a device she co-developed during her Ph.D. studies in Ireland which, is FDA-approved for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence.
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - University College Dublin, Ireland 2013
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) - Simmons University, Boston, 2004
- Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) - Georgia State University, 2002
- Bachelor of Science (BS) - Georgia State University, 1999
Maher RM, Iberle J. Concurrent validity of non-invasive Coccygeal motion palpation and Transabdominal ultrasound imaging in the assessment of Pelvic floor function in women. JWHPT; 44 (4):176-181.
Maher RM, Hayes DM. How do Pelvic Floor Muscle Contractions elicited by Two different delivery methods of neuromuscular electrical stimulation compare to volitional contractions in supine and standing in nulliparous continent women? JWHPT May/August 2018, (42) 2 87-93.
Koppenhaver S, Kniss J, Lilley D, Oates M, Fernández-de-las-Peñas C, Maher R, Croy T, Shinohara M. Reliability of Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography in assessing low back musculature stiffness in asymptomatic individuals. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2018; 39:49-57.
Bobb V, Dockter M, Johnson L, Maher R, Panullo A. Peterson J, Spitznagle T. American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, Specialty Council on Women’s Health Physical Therapy. Description of Specialty Practice: Women’s Health Physical Therapy, Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2018.
Maher RM Hayes DM, Shinohara M. Quantification of Dry Needling and Posture Effects on Myofascial Trigger Points Using Ultrasound Shear-Wave Elastography. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013; 94(11):2146-50.
Maher RM. Caulfield, B.A novel externally applied neuromuscular stimulator for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. A pilot study.Neuromodulation. 2013;16(6):590-594.
Maher RM. Hayes, DM. Does Transvaginal Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Elicit a Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction? - A Pilot Study Using Sonography in Healthy Females. JWHPT. Volume 36, May/August 2012, Issue 2.
Maher RM. Simple strategies can help reduce falls and liability in your facility. Healthcare Risk Management. 2004, Oct: 26 (10): 109 – 113.
Warren GL, Maher RM, Higbie EJ. Temporal patterns of plantar pressures and lower leg muscle activity during walking: effect of speed. Gait and Posture. 2004, Feb; 19(1):91-100.
Selected Peer Reviewed Presentations
Maher RM, Welch JP, Wiley JJ, Uniyal N, Raimi W, Potma M. A Deep Learning Model to automate bladder volume using Clarius™ Handheld Ultrasound. Poster Presentation, International Continence Society (ICS), Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain. 2024.
Maher RM. A Short Bout of Multipath Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation enhances Pelvic Floor Function in Women. Platform presentation. American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Combined Sections Meeting, Boston, 2023.
Lamb K, Hendricks M, Maher RM. A Bone of Contention: The Roll of the Radial in Proximal Radioulnar Joint Arthrokinematics. American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Combined Sections Meeting ,2024.
Maher RM, A Short story in Proprioceptive Facilitation to the Pelvic Floor – A proof of concept study using INNOVO™. Podium presentation, International Continence Society (ICS) Annual Conference, Vienna. 2022.
Maher RM. Rooting out the Geometry of the Brachial Plexus: A 3D pipe cleaner model as a portable learning tool. Platform presentation. World Physiotherapy Congress (WCPT), 2021.
Maher RM. FOCUS on POCUS: Is it a Region of Interest for PT students? American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Combined Sections Meeting, Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy,2021.
Maher RM. Welch JP. No Pain No Gain: Student Performance over time on the Revised Neurophysiology of Pain Questionnaire. Academy of Physical Therapy Education, Combined Sections Virtual meeting, 2021.
Maher RM. What Lies Beneath: Ultrasound Imaging brings Clinical Anatomy Life for Physical Therapy students. Poster presented at the America Association of Clinical Anatomists, 2020.
Maher RM, McColery AF. What’s happening below the belt? Effect of a Pelvic support belt on pelvic floor function? Platform presentation, American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting, Academy of Pelvic Health,.2020
Maher RM, Morrison CM. The Piriformis - Effect of Hip Position on its Function and Hip Rotator Strength. Poster presentation, APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Academy of Pelvic Health, 2020.
Maher RM. What Lies Beneath Ultrasound Imaging Brings Clinical Anatomy to Life for Physical Therapy Students. Podium Presentation, American Association of Clinical Anatomists Virtual Annual Meeting, 2020
Maher RM, Iberle J. Concurrent validity of coccygeal motion palpation and transabdominal ultrasound imaging in the assessment of pelvic floor function in women. Podium presentation, World Congress of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Switzerland, 2019.