
Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act

The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act (Clery Act) is a consumer protection law that aims to provide transparency around campus crime policy and statistics. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate a public annual security report (ASR) to employees and students every October 1st.

The ASR must include crime statistics for the past three calendar years, details on efforts to enhance campus safety, and policy statements addressing crime reporting, campus facility security and access, law enforcement authority, alcohol and drug use, and the prevention of and response to sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, and stalking.

The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to:

  • Report campus crime data;
  • Support victims of violence; and,
  • Publicly outline policies and procedures for campus safety.

Campus Reports

Clery Maps by Campus

Clery Act Information and Training Contact

Brooke Smith
Brooke Smith, M.EdProfile page

Dir of Regulatory Risk for Youth Programs & Clery Officer


Office locationDowntown Office Building, 301H,