
Laura Ng, Ph.D.

Laura Ng

Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Letters and Professor


Office locationFaculty Center, 721,

Area(s) of Expertise: Gender, 20th Century literature, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Dr. Laura Ng is a Professor of English and Assistant Dean of the College of Arts & Letters at the University of North Georgia on the Oconee campus. Her degree is in contemporary American literature. Her research areas include gender studies, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and Peace Studies.

She co-directs 91ÁÔÆæ’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Faculty Academy. She reviews for and . She co-authored with Mary Carney, “Scholarly Personal Narrative in the SoTL Tent,” which was published in TLI: Teaching, Learning, Inquiry. She and Karen Redding have chapter entitled, “Moving Pictures and Words” in . Her co-authored article with Tom Cooper and Mary Carney about technology and faculty development, “” appears in the Journal of Faculty Development.

She is a past recipient of the University of North Georgia’s Distinguished Scholar for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, the University of North Georgia’s Innovative Teaching Award, and the Presidential Professional Development Award. She has had the privilege of serving as a Governor’s Teaching Fellow.

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 0989: Foundations for English Composition
  • ENGL 1101: English Composition I
  • ENGL 1101H: Honors English Composition I
  • ENGL 1102:  English Composition II
  • ENGL 1102H: Honors English Composition II
  • ENGL 2112: World Literature II
  • ENGL 2150: Literature and Film
  • ENGL 2230: Intermediate Composition


  • Ph.D., 20th Century American Literature, Gender, and Renaissance Poetry, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, 2005
  • M.A., English, Morehead State University, 1997
  • B.A., English, Morehead State University, 1995

Research/Special Interests

Dr. Ng’s research interests include gender and American literature and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


Bailey, Lindsey, Shane Toepfer, and Laura Ng. “Chapter 6: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? A Learning Community Experiment.” Putting It All Together, edited by Jeff Galle and Jo K. Galle, Rowman & Littlefield, 2023, pp. 29-32.

Rifenburg, Michael, Molly Daniel, Justin Barbee, Ann Marie Francis, Ian Afflerbach, Matthew Boedy, and Laura Ng. “English Composition (ENGL 1101) Course Redesign at the University of North Georgia.” Gateways to Completion: Case Study Anthology. Edited by Stephanie Foote. Gardner Institute, 2021: 23-26.

Rifenburg, Michael, Rebecca Johnston, Laura Ng, and Mary Carney, “Cultivating Teacher- Scholars at a Teaching Intensive University.” Academic Labor Beyond the Classroom: Working for Our Values. Edited by Holly Hassel and Kirsti Cole. Routledge, 2020.

Ng, Laura and Karen Redding. “Moving Pictures and Words: Multimodal Projects in College Composition.” Innovations and Inquiry Pedagogies in Practice: Pathways for Revitalizing Classrooms Through Inquiry. Eds. Jeff Galle and Rebecca Harrison. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

Ng, Laura, and Mary Carney. “Scholarly Personal Narrative in the SoTL Tent.” Teaching & Learning Inquiry. 5.1 (2017): 1-13. Carney, Mary, Laura Ng, and Tom Cooper. “Professional Development Amid Change: Fostering Academic Excellence and Faculty Productivity at Teaching-Intensive Universities.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 30.2 (2016): 27-35.

Ng. Laura. “Would I lie to you?: Subversive Lying in the Fiction of Herbst and Paretsky “ Studies in Popular Culture. 38.1 (2015): 105-122.

Ng. Laura. “Importance of Audience.” Contributing a Verse: A Guide to First Year Composition. Ed. Tanya Bennett. Dahlonega, GA: University of North Georgia Press, 2015.

Reviewer Experience: 

Reviewer for Teaching & Learning Inquiry. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Reviewer for International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The  at the University of Georgia, and the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research (CIDER) at Virginia Tech

Reviewer for Papers and Pubs. University of North Georgia