
ICED Call for Preconference Workshops

Posted: August 14, 2017

The International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) promotes educational and academic development in higher education world-wide. ICED is a network whose members are themselves national organizations or networks concerned with promoting good practice in higher education.

ICED 2017 is seeking proposals for preconference workshops. They encourage submissions that explore the theme of the conference "Institutional Change: Voices, Identities, Power, and Outcomes." ICED also encourage a variety of submissions in order to build a portfolio of workshops with diverse representation in topics, nationality, and institutional affiliations.

Why should you submit a preconference proposal? Preconference workshops offer the opportunity to make a big difference in the practice of international educational development. You will be able to delve into a specific concept/topic/tool with plenty of time to explore details and offer hands-on practice and application of skills. While we can't promise every pre-conference submission will be accepted, the preconference workshop list is one of the most-visited pages of the conference website, so it's a great way to disseminate your contributions!

And, if your proposal gets included in the program, you will be able to attend another preconference workshop for free!

To submit your proposal for an engaging 3-hour workshop with hands-on applications, visit the ICED conference website.

Proposal Deadline is September 1, 2017.

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