
Sara Mobley

Spanish Major Boy With A Ball, Gwinnett County

How did you hear about your internship?

I first heard about Boy With A Ball through one of my Spanish Professors, who always sends emails about opportunities for Spanish majors to gain practice and experience! Though Boy With A Ball has many teams worldwide, their headquarters is in Gwinnett County, which has a big Spanish-speaking population. What made me interested in Boy With A Ball, a non-profit that involves itself in the community to meet its needs and love them well, was how the entire organization is focused on bettering its community by getting to know people. They do this through programs like ‘Love Your City’ (a neighborhood walk-through program), a mentorship program for high school and middle school students called Velocity, a tutoring center, and English classes!

What has been the most valuable (or favorite) part of the experience?

This is a tough question because I have thoroughly enjoyed every part! Among my favorite things about my experience interning with Boy With A Ball is the team I work with weekly. They love the people they have met in the community and do everything with them in mind. Not only that- but as an intern they have included me in every step, thoroughly explaining things and involving me in things that I have an interest in!

Aside from the staff, team members, and volunteers, I have loved being a part of their ‘Love Your City’ walkthroughs on Saturdays and getting to use Spanish to interact with the community members that Boy With A Ball serves so well.

How will this help you in the future?

My experience with Boy With A Ball has giving me Spanish- speaking practice and taught me all that goes into non-profit work, which is giving me skills I can see myself using in a non-profit environment in the future. It also prepares me for the future by helping me with time management, and how to be professional in a workplace setting while representing one’s organization or company well. Lastly, it has helped me learn so many computer skills and practical technology and database skills that can transfer over into the future! I am so grateful for this opportunity, and I hope others will consider interning while in college!

sara mobley
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