
Megan Daly

Marketing - Bert's Big Adventure

How did you hear about your internship?

I always knew about Bert’s Big Adventure from listening to the Bert Show on Q100 and one day I just went to their website to see if they have internships and they were taking applicants for this semester, so I applied!

What has been the most valuable (or favorite) part of the experience?

Seeing the smiles on the kids and their families during the big sendoff celebration to Disney. I can make a difference in the lives of these families who are dealing with having a sick child. No one can take that pain away, but I am able to help bring happiness in their lives which is an experience I will never forget.

How will this help you in the future?

I have been able to learn marketing and business skills that are used in the non-profit industry that I will forever cherish. Interning for Bert’s Big Adventure has also taught me what it is like to work with passion which I will take with me for the rest of my life.

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