
Amanda Graves

Concerned about getting admitted into graduate school? Learn from Amanda Graves’s success story…

What kinds of things did you do while in college to prepare you for graduate school, or to make yourself more marketable?

I got involved in clubs and extracurricular activities on campus and held leadership positions, as well as worked part-time, job shadowed, and presented undergraduate research at multiple conferences. Keeping my grades up throughout college also had a big impact on my success; GPA matters! I also sought help from Career Services to improve my curriculum vitae before applying to graduate school or jobs.

How did you hear about your graduate program?

I first learned about the field of OT by volunteering at a hippotherapy program. I researched Occupational Therapy programs, considered which options were financially attainable and what schools had the best programs. Talking to current graduate students if you have the opportunity is wonderful because they will be totally honest with you.

What advice would you like to give to current students to help prepare them for careers and/or the job search after college?

Take advantage of the expertise your professors offer; they are a huge resource. Professors can help you through the admissions process for graduate school and network with professionals in your intended field. It can be intimidating talking to your teachers, but just remember they are people too and most want you to succeed.

And don’t wait until the last minute! Do your research, and be on top of paperwork and deadlines; make a calendar using 10 different highlighters if you have to. Remember that you are the one responsible for your own success, and hard work is what will make the difference between success and failure.

Amanda Graves profile
Graduate School: Medical University of South Carolina
Graduate Program: Occupational Therapy
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