
Ximena Castro

Concerned about getting admitted into graduate school? Learn from Ximena Castro’s success story…

What kinds of things did you do while in college to prepare you for graduate school, or to make yourself more marketable?

While in college, I took advantage of all the opportunities that came my way. I got involved as much as I could by taking on leadership roles, volunteering, speaking with mentors, attending conferences, and networking. Most importantly, I visualized how I wanted to see myself years after graduation.

How did you hear about your graduate program?

I heard about Georgia Regents University through a friend of mine who had graduated from the program and had a wonderful experience there. She encouraged me to look into it. After researching the program and speaking with other alumni, as well as professors, I realized that GRU was the perfect place for me.

What advice would you like to give to current students to help prepare them for careers and/or the job search after college?

I would like to say that everyone has his or her own path and the road will not always be easy. I initially graduated from NGCSU in 2011 with a different degree. It took me about two years of hard work and sleepless nights to be where I am today.

I would like to encourage everyone to think early on about their careers and where they want to see themselves five years down the road. If you are not passionate about your degree and your field of study, then change it! It’s never too late to start over. Once you find your niche then you will know it because what seems like work one day will feel like fun the next.

Ximena Castro
Graduate School: Georgia Regents University
Graduate Program: Master of Science in Nursing with a Major in Clinical Nurse Leader
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