
Mitch Bardenwerper

Concerned about finding a job? Learn from Mitch Bardenwerper’s success story…

What kinds of things did you do while in college to prepare you for your professional life after college, or to make yourself more marketable?

First things first, you need to begin networking as soon as possible. Get to know your fellow students as well as your faculty and staff because when it comes to getting a job, knowing somebody goes a long way. Another important thing that I did to prepare myself was to engage in in-class discussions. By involving yourself in the class you tend to pay more attention and retain more of the information. Always remember that you are marketing brand you and everyone is talking about you whether you want them to or not, so give them something good to talk about.

How did you hear about (or find) your current position?

I learned about my job at Milliken through the Career Services department. I had posted a profile on the Saints job board and I was informed that there was a position that matched what I was looking for and that I might be interested in checking it out.

What advice would you like to give to current students to help prepare them for careers and/or the job search after college?

In order to prepare for your professional life, you first have to straighten out your personal life. My suggestion to anyone and everyone is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the most important things you can do as a college student is to find out who you are. So many people wander through life aimlessly contemplating their purpose for existence and they miss the true calling that God has for them. Don’t miss out on the blessings God has in store for you or you’ll regret it for eternity.

Mitch Bardenwerper profile
Milliken & Company
Process Improvement Engineer
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