
5.2.1 Criteria for Promotion

Promotions are not granted automatically for satisfactory performance. Tenure-track candidates must make strong, positive cases in the application for promotion. Promotion from instructor to assistant professor is considered an exception by the president, provost, and dean.

For promotion to associate professor, candidates must provide evidence of noteworthy achievement in teaching and noteworthy achievement in either service or scholarship. Candidates must meet expectations in the category (service or scholarship) not chosen for noteworthy achievement.

For promotion to professor, candidates must provide evidence of noteworthy achievement in all three categories. Candidates should refer to departmental guidelines for criteria required for noteworthy achievement and for meeting expectations.

For promotion to senior/principal lecturer, non-tenure track candidates must provide noteworthy achievement in teaching. In addition, the minimum and maximum percentages of the sliding scale (75%-100% for teaching, and 0%-25% for the other two factors) used in the Non-Tenure Track Faculty Annual Report shall be preserved. Prior to starting the application for promotion to a higher rank, each non-tenure track faculty member will reach an agreement with their immediate supervisor regarding the weight distributions of three factors: teaching, service, and scholarship to be considered for promotion.

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